Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting Closer!

We've made it past the half-way point in our fundraising!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!! I'm so stinkin' excited. We've had some very generous people contribute to our trip and I am SO thankful.

But, I have to admit that the contribution that just about did me in was a little bit of love I got in the mail last week...

My baby sister's contribution is what pushed us past the half-way point for our fundraising! 
She amazes me...
Seriously?! She's not even 11 yet... I can remember what it was like to be 11 (uhhhhh... I was sooo awkward) and the value of cash was amazing. We didn't get a weekly allowance in my family, so cash was usually the result of a Birthday present or some serious chore-payment negotiations with the parents. Wow... This girl teaches me so much about selfless love. I mean, when I was 11 I was most concerned with growing out the worst haircut in history. Forget sharing God's love with people halfway around the world...

Note the awful hair. Note my other adorable sister - Kendel. Note the matching sailor dresses thanks to grandma! :)
So, Linden's contribution (plus some other AMAZING gifts) means that we are at $2,545 dollars raised!!! That means we have only $1,555 to go! Thank you thank you thank you to all who have given! To those that are reading this blog for the first time, or still on the fence about giving - please prayerfully consider making a contribution! Even if it's only $5. Every little bit counts. For just the cost of a latte, you could help make a huge difference in the life of someone on the other side of the globe. The Czech people desperately need to feel that God's love is real and that He cares about their lives! And since our team leaves on the 29th of July we have only 3 weeks left to raise our support. So, think about it...! :)

In other, Czech related news...

  • Dave and I are going to do some BIG lesson planning on Friday! Pray for us. We have to plan for 4 days of 3 hour classes with an advanced class of students. We definitely want to challenge them, but we want it to be fun, too! In the Czech Republic students are used to lecture classes with no chance for student dialogue. So it will be really exciting for them to get to actually talk in class! I'm so pumped to get THEM pumped to learn!
  • Pray for health! Dave and I have been soo busy lately. We're not sick. But we've been running around like fools and not hitting up the gym nearly enough. We need to stay healthy for the trip!
  • Pray for continued financial support. We're getting closer and closer to reaching our goal! Also, pray for the rest of our team to meet their financial goals as well. 
  • We've got our second-to-last team meeting on Friday. I can't believe it... We leave in 3 weeks... AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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