Prayer Requests

We really need prayer! And the best part about praying is that it's free. So, even if you can't make a financial donation, we covet your prayer donations!

Here's a couple of prayer requests to get you started:

  • Pray for the Czech people. Pray that they would realize the amazing truth of the gospel message - that there is a God who loves them immeasurably and wants to be a part of their daily lives.
  • Pray for the preparations of our team. We will be teaching English courses and engaging in a lot of small group and one-on-one discussions with Czech people.
  • Pray for our hearts. That we would be stripped of all selfish motivations. That God would humble us.
  • Pray for our finances. We truly believe that when it comes to mission trips it takes a variety of people to make it happen. Some people are called to physically go and serve. Others are called to give financially. Pray that God would move in the hearts of potential donors.
We will add more prayer requests as they arise! Thank you for praying!!!