Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Midweek Update from 20s+ Camp


I'm not sure what to write... But I want to write something now, because so much happens in each day here, that I'm afraid it will be too late to write about certain things by the end of the week.

To my prayer warriors out there - thank you. I cannot express my gratitude. One of the things I am personally (re)learning this week is the power of prayer. It has been one of my greatest struggles in the past several years. And I have felt a growing separation from God when He did not answer the cries of my heart. I let bitterness and cynicism take root because God did not operate in the way I wanted Him to. Pain from my broken family, hurt from seemingly ineffective prayers in relationships... I became jaded.

These feelings have sapped my passion. Coupled with the turmoil and drama that has occurred in my life this summer, I felt so unprepared for this trip. A couple weeks ago I did not think I could do it. I cried to my patient husband that I didn't think I could go. I wasn't ready. I couldn't leave home.

But somehow, God is using my brokenness here in Czech. One of the themes this week has been honesty. Our leader, Joel, spoke on the first night about being honest - no faking it.

So, I have been honest this week. And so have others - including Czechs. Christians from every walk of life are taking off their strong mantels and revealing their inner hurts and weaknesses. And their is such potential for beautiful growth because of it. I am so moved by everyone's hunger for renewed passion.

Please continue to pray. Here are some specifics:

- Pray for miracles. Pray that God brings about miraculous change in individuals. There are weary Christians that need renewed faith and passion. There are nonbelievers that are searching and seeking.
- Pray for healing. Joel spoke this morning about the woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8). He highlighted the fact that Evil knows right where to attack us, to create a disconnect between our heads and our ability to feel... This message really spoke to people... There are a lot of old hurts and shame that people are dealing with.
- Pray for God to speak. There are hungry hearts, yearning for God's voice to whisper.
- Pray for worship. Pray that people would be drawn into an authentic and passionate worship experience with their Heavenly Father.
- Pray for lasting relationships to be built. Pray for community and accountability between the Czechs.
- Pray for renewed energy for our American team. I can't believe it's only Wednesday! It feels like we've experienced a week's worth of spiritual warfare, tears, and expenditure.


A bit blurry... But a snapshot of evening worship. Amazing!


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