I don't know if there were rumors. But if you asked us a couple months ago if we were going back to Czech this summer our answer was somewhere between "Yes, totally!!" and "Uhmmm we're not sure..."
To be honest, every year is a step of faith for us. We never know how God is going to provide. And we never know if God will call us to go again.
But this year we definitely felt the tug to go. Complete peace - this is where we are supposed to go this summer!
We are so excited. :)
Just had our first team meeting last Saturday... Can't believe the trip is in just a couple months...
A couple things you can pray for:
- Spiritual preparedness. We are going to focus on the book of John in preparation for our camp. Pray that God would speak truth to our hearts. Also - pray that we would be diligent in our times of personal devotion. (This is something Shena really struggles with!)
- Financial support. We can't go on this trip alone. We need financial supporters to partner with us!
- Our team to bond together - we have a large team of over 20 people. Pray that we would forge stronge friendships!
Thanks for your support! We will update this blog as often as we can to keep everyone in the loop. :)