Monday, April 30, 2012

Why We're Going Back...

Curious as to why we're going back to Czech this year? Check out this excerpt from our forthcoming support letter (P.S. If you want to know more, shoot us an email, comment, or msg... We'll put you on our support mailing list!)

After our Czech 2011 missions trip we came home overjoyed and exhausted. One of our Czech students began a relationship with Jesus. Another of our Czech friends began exploring what it meant to believe in a loving, caring God. And in the past year since our trip we have heard of more Czechs who have ditched atheism and embraced Christianity... And Czechs who have changed their life-path trajectory and are committed to helping their country recover from stifling Communist religion and the past several decades of agnosticism and atheism. To say we are excited would be an understatement. We are beyond thrilled to witness life transformation among our Czech friends and students! Last year’s experience was life-changing - for everyone involved.

So after our trip, we felt fired up. Fueled by excitement over the spiritual renewal of the Czech nation and giddy with passion for helping others to experience a relationship with a loving Savior! And we daydreamed about going to Czech again...


But the idea of going back in 2012 was not something we planned. Expenses for another overseas trip don’t fit into our personal budget. And we know that they don’t fit into the budgets of our family and friends, either! So we put our hopes and dreams of returning to Czech on the shelf and went on with our busy lives...

But then God began changing our hearts. First it was a nudging - we were asked countless times to be a part of this year’s team, by both Czech leaders and American team leaders. Our response was always the same “We would love to go, but we cannot afford it financially and we can’t continue to tap our family and friends for funding!”

And then God began to provide. Before we even committed to the trip, nearly a quarter of our expenses were funded by an anonymous donor. And then a friend heard about our trip and funded another quarter! At that point we realized, who are we to say “No”? So we signed on the dotted line. And so, on June 29th 2012, we and a team from Christ Community Church will go back to the Czech Republic.

We still need to raise half of our support. And we definitely need all the prayers and encouragement that we can get! Some people go on missions trips. Some people pray for the ones that go. And some people give financially. But all play an integral role in sharing God’s love with a world in need. So we humbly ask you to prayerfully consider being a part of our 2012 trip to Czech.


- Dave & Shena

Sunday, April 29, 2012

We're Going Back!

What can I say? We're going back to Czech this summer. I'm jumping up and down and doing a happy dance. WOOOOH!!!! :)

More posts to follow. Soon. :)